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Guided Biofilm Therapy is an absolute patient favourite

NYON, Switzerland: Those who prioritise their overall health also understand the importance of oral health and consistently seek professional prophylaxis. ...


Not wellness but medical care: GBT as effective prevention in everyday practice

Some 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates already knew that prevention is more important than curative therapy. In the modern-day context, Benz stated that ...


GBT training opportunities: Practice makes perfect

NYON, Switzerland: Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), developed by EMS together with clinicians and academics, is a systematic, evidence-based modular protocol ...


Interview: “GBT is the right concept for me”

Right in the heart of the southern German town of Friedrichshafen, dentist Dr Florian Fries runs a modern practice for oral health, seeking to treat ...


Patients prefer Guided Biofilm Therapy

NYON, Switzerland: The basis of good oral and general health is a clean mouth. Well-informed patients know this and visit the dentist for professional ...


EMS inspires audience at GBT Summit

MUNICH, Germany: On 17 June, dental professionals flocked to the halls of the BMW Welt event venue in Munich to learn more about the Guided Biofilm Therapy ...


Begeistertes Publikum beim GBT Summit in München

MÜNCHEN – Am 17. Juni drehte sich in der voll besetzen Event-Arena der BMW-Welt in München alles um das Behandlungskonzept der Guided Biofilm Therapy ...


Terapia guiada de biofilme: um protocolo clínico moderno, inigualável e convincente para profilaxia

Petersilka et ai. disse: “Se uma nova forma de terapia deve ser considerada digna de integração na terapia periodontal padrão, ela deve ser superior ...


Guided Biofilm Therapy: A modern, unmatched and compelling clinical protocol for prophylaxis

Petersilka et al. said: “If a new form of therapy is to be considered worth integrating into standard periodontal therapy, it either has to be superior in...


Guided Biofilm Therapy shines at EuroPerio10

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: EMS is currently presenting its evidence-based Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) at EuroPerio10, focusing on modern oral prevention. To ...


Tehnologia Airflow: cel mai bun AIR-FLOWING posibil

Tehnologia Airflow a trecut prin diferite stadii de dezvoltare. Au fost dezvoltate noi pudre și lansate noi dispozitive și accesorii. Acest lucru a ...


Guided Biofilm Therapy – Избягвайте рисковете при имплантите

В стремежа си да ограничат нарастващия брой случаи на периимплантен мукозит и ...


Interview: What will the future of dentistry look like?

For Dr Victoria Sampson, the connection between oral and systemic health is of central concern when dealing with her dental patients. She employs biomarkers...


Interview: The benefits of non-surgical periodontal therapy

As a researcher at the University of Brescia in Italy and the operator of a private practice, Prof. Magda Mensi has a special interest in the non-surgical ...


Interview: How to improve your prophylactic technique

As an award-winning dental hygienist and experienced Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) clinician, Faye Donald’s passion lies in educating, motivating and ...
