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Over 25 million Pakistanis smoking and 15 million using snuff, says study

Staff Reporter

Thu. 26 October 2023


ISLAMABAD: The International Research Institute has unveiled startling statistics indicating that nearly two and a half million people in Pakistan are regular cigarette smokers, with an even higher number indulging in snuff consumption.

In a recent report on the state of tobacco control in Pakistan, the International Research Institute disclosed that approximately 25 million individuals are cigarette smokers, and more than 15 million are users of snuff. These findings underscore the urgent need for enhanced tobacco control measures in the country.

The International organization, Tobacco Harm Reduction, has compiled a comprehensive report on the tobacco situation in Pakistan, asserting that the implementation of improved tobacco control methods could potentially save the lives of 1.2 million individuals in the country.

According to global research data, Pakistan is home to a staggering 23.9 million adult smokers, with over 6 percent of the population embracing vaping and e-cigarettes, while more than 15.9 million individuals use snuff. To combat the detrimental effects of tobacco use, all public spaces in Pakistan have been designated as smoke-free zones.

Dr. Derek Yach, in his extensive report, highlights that tobacco harm reduction products are being embraced by 150 million people across the globe. Encouragingly, the utilization of less harmful tobacco products has resulted in a decline in smoking rates in the United Kingdom, where the percentage of smokers has plummeted from 20% to 12%, underscoring the potential benefits of harm reduction strategies.

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