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Quetta College of Dentistry granted recognition for 50 BDS admissions annually

Sat. 18 January 2025


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC) has officially granted recognition to Quetta College of Dentistry for admitting 50 students per year into its Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program for the academic session 2024-2025.

Following an inspection conducted on November 13 and 14, 2024, the inspection team assessed the facilities available at the college for training dental students. The inspection report and recommendations were presented to the PM&DC Executive Committee during its meeting on December 20, 2024. The committee noted that the college achieved an overall score of 88.84% in the inspection.

Based on the inspection findings, the Executive Committee recommended the recognition of the college for 50 BDS admissions annually. The committee also directed that the inspection report be shared with the college for any comments before the final decision.

In a subsequent meeting held on January 8, 2025, the PM&DC Council reviewed the Executive Committee’s recommendations and unanimously approved the inclusion of Quetta College of Dentistry in the Third Schedule under Section 29 of the PM&DC Act, 2022. The Council forwarded the recommendation to the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination (NHSR&C) for formal inclusion in the Third Schedule, recognizing the college under the National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi.

This development marks a significant step for dental education in Balochistan, enhancing access to professional training for aspiring dental practitioners in the region.

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